Do you have any web sites that you find helpful? If so, please consider sharing them with us by emailing the link(s) to our Webmaster. Here are some that may be helpful from various organizations that deal with mental illness issues.
Local Service Agencies/Organizations
- Oakland County Health Network – Serves Oakland County by providing public mental health services to adults with serious mental illness, children with serious emotional disturbances and persons with developmental disabilities.
- Common Ground – emergency intervention – Common Ground is a nonprofit crisis intervention agency whose mission is to provide a lifeline for individuals and families in crisis, victims of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations and runaway and homeless youth.
- Easter Seals – Michigan – Easter Seals Michigan works to change the way the world defines and views disabilities by making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day
- Training and Treatment Innovations, Inc. – Mission: To enhance the quality of life of the individuals we serve through an array of clinical best practices that inspire healthy living, empowerment, and recovery while promoting the attainment of personal goals and independence.
- Community Network Services – (CNS) is a private non-profit human services agency that provides comprehensive behavioral health services. CNS offers a wide spectrum of community-based support services.
- Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine (RBCN) – The Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine offers an array of mental health and substance abuse services in our comprehensive outpatient setting. Our practitioners work collaboratively within their expertise, through medication management, psychotherapy, and nutrition therapy, in order to deliver the highest quality care.
- Home 365 Peer Respite care center Need a break? Hope365 provides a safe and supportive environment for short-term stays. Recharge and gain renewed perspective with the support of our caring staff.
Area Agency on Aging – Helping seniors, adults with disabilities and their families in southeast Michigan. We help guide you to the programs and services that can help—whether that’s home-care, Meals on Wheels, help with Medicaid and Medicare, or help finding transportation. We are the first people you should reach out to when an older adult or a person with a disability is in need. Call Us at 1-800-852-7795.
- Kadima Mental Health Services and Housing. Gesher/Kadima provides a continuum of residential, clinical and educational/outreach programs for members of the community with mental health challenges.
- Community Living Services: – We have been providing supports and services for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities for decades. Our Supports Coordinators are on the front lines every day, accessing resources in communities, helping find employment and volunteer opportunities and working toward a future of independence and freedom for those that we serve.
- Mentors of Michigan, Inc. Dedicated to Providing the Best Group Home Care.
- New Oakland Family Centers – Oakland, Wayne, Macomb (800) 395-FACE Child-Adolescent & Family Center
- Catholic Social Services – Oakland County (248) 548-4044 Mental and Behavioral Health Counseling
- Detroit Wayne County Mental Health Authority – The purpose of the Detroit-Wayne County Community Mental Health Agency (DWMHA) is to ensure support, care and treatment services to adults with mental illness, individuals with developmental disabilities, children with serious emotional disturbances and persons with substance use disorders and their families so they can make choices in care, live in the community and achieve desired outcomes through individualized health goals
- Community Outreach Psychiatric Emergencies C.O.P.E. – Wayne County Crises and pre-admission services.
- Hegira – Serving the communities of Wayne County since 1971, HPI is one of Michigan’s largest freestanding integrated, behavioral healthcare organizations. It is our goal to ensure the availability of quality, individualized, and rapidly accessible integrated, behavioral and primary healthcare services.
- Serenity Step: At Serenity Step, we aim to revolutionize how behavioral health services are delivered and address the most significant healthcare challenge of our time. Our commitments are to:
- Implementing innovative telehealth solutions to increase accessibility and reach individuals in remote areas and in Offering integrated care that addresses both substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders.
- Oakdale Recovery Center – Oakdale’s six levels of care are designed to meet the unique needs of persons moving through the various stages of recovery. Our treatment options include: Detoxification, Residential, Day Treatment, Domiciliary Intensive Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient and Traditional Outpatient.
- Detox & Rehab in Northville – Supervised alcohol or drug detox is the safest and most effective way for Northville individuals to prepare the body and mind for comprehensive addiction treatment.
- Coalition on Temporary Shelter – COTS (313) 831-3777 Services: Detroit, Emergency housing, food, and shelter, Also offers utility assistance, COTS has funds available for eviction prevention through assistance.
- Cass Community Social Services – (313) 883-2277 Cass Community Social Services is Detroit-based agency dedicated to providing food, housing, health services, and job programs.
- Detroit Rescue Mission – (313) 993-4700 Services: Emergency Shelter; transitional housing; permanent housing; (must have a disability that prevents the resident from independently living in community hosing including: chronic, debilitating health issues, mental illnesses, severe substance addictions, or developmental delays); free medical care; substance abuse detox and treatment;
- Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO) (313) 961-4890 – CARF Accreditation for our addiction and mental health programs: Older Adult Services, Life Choices and Homeless Recovery Services. This accreditation decision represents the highest level of accreditation that can be awarded to an organization.
- Hamtramick Housing Commission -(313) 868-7445
- Highland Park Housing Commission – (313) 868-4500
- Wayne County Housing Authority listings
- United Way for Southeastern Michigan (800) 552-1183 – Connects callers with local community based organizations.
- Starfish Family Services – 888. 355. 5433 Strengthening families to create brighter futures for children. It’s normal to experience, at one time or another a behavioral, social, or health issue that can disrupt life and harm relationships. Our Mental Health professionals specialize in assessing and treating a variety of emotional, behavioral and developmental difficulties. We work with children, teens, adults and entire families.
- Macomb County Community Mental Health – Macomb County Community Mental Health provides a wide variety of mental health treatment and support services to adults and children with mental illness, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse treatment needs.
- Macomb County Office of Substance Abuse – If you think you or a family member may have an alcohol or drug abuse problem, contact Macomb County Community Mental Health Access Center which is open Monday-Friday 8 am to 7:45 pm at (586) 948-0222
- Community Housing Network – Community Housing Network, Inc. is a community economic development organization that promotes the economic self-sufficiency and inclusion of people with special needs and people of low to very low income in their communities through home-ownership and access to affordable, desirable housing opportunities and other community resources.
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Metropolitan Detroit – The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Metropolitan Detroit (DBSA) is a self-help group for those diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder or Depression (Unipolar Disorder).
- Families Anonymous – is a 12 Step fellowship for the families and friends who have known a feeling of desperation concerning the destructive behavior of someone very near to them, whether caused by drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems. When you come into our rooms you are no longer alone, but among friends who have experienced similar problems. Any concerned person is encouraged to attend our meetings, even if there is only a suspicion of a problem.
- D & M Consultants, Inc Is a 501c3 Not-For Profit Corporation holding contracts with Community Network Services, Easter Seals Adult Mental Health Services, Training and Treatment Innovations, Macomb Oakland Regional Center and Professional Consulting Services of Jackson, MI. D & M Consultants, Inc. is committed to the provision of quality service for persons with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities by offering choices that include housing, recreational, vocational and therapeutic opportunities.
- Survivors of Suicide Support Group – University of Michigan – This support group for adults who have lost a loved one to suicide holds twice-monthly meetings that run for eight-session cycles. The group offers opportunities to: Develop a caring support network, Learn healthy coping and healing skills, Provide a safe place for survivors to share thoughts and feelings, Learn about bereavement and grief and their impact on us
- Michigan Suicide Support Groups Listing:
- Social Security Conseling Center – A full service Social Security Law Firm Call Toll Free for a free consultation 844-560-4909 – SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY & SSI —- SSI FOR DISABLED CHILDREN —- IS YOUR SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD TURING 18?
- Samaritas – Samaritas provides Substance Use Disorder Services (including teens) to those who struggle with the impact of drugs and alcohol. SUD treatment model includes: individual and group counseling, medication assisted treatment, case management and recovery coaching for adolescents and adults. We are, now more than ever, committed to combating this public health crisis.
- Brain Balance Oakland County: Brain Balance Oakland County has a Plan for Kids who Struggle
- Free REHAB services Michigan: Addiction treatment facilities throughout the state of Michigan provide free and low-cost treatment options. Michigan free substance abuse treatment centers offer services such as drug rehabilitation, mental health services, and inpatient and outpatient programs.
- Medicaid is a joint federal and state program, so its rules, coverage plans and even its name all vary by state. This article focuses on Michigan Medicaid Long Term Care for seniors. This is different from regular Medicaid, which is for low-income people of all ages. In Michigan, Medicaid is sometimes called Medical Assistance and it is administered by the Michigan Department of Human Services. Medicaid will help pay for long term care for Michigan residents in a nursing home, in their own home, the home of a relative, an adult foster care home or a home for the aged through one of three programs – Nursing Home / Institutional Medicaid, Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) Waivers or Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) Medicaid.
State Organizations
- National Alliance on Mental Illness – Michigan – The State of Michigan’s grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with severe mental illnesses.
- The Mental Health Association in Michigan – The Mental Health Association in Michigan (MHAM) is a voluntary membership citizens’ organization representing a broad base of people working together as an advocate for the mentally ill.
- Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service – Our goal is to advance the dignity, equality, self-determination, and expressed choices of individuals. Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) promotes, expands and protects the human and legal rights of people by providing them with information and advocacy.
- Michigan Department of Human Services – Community Mental Health Services Programs
- Michigan Department of Community Mental Health (MDCMH) The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) is one of 18 departments of state government. The department, the largest in state government, is responsible for health policy and management of the state’s publicly-funded health service systems. An estimated 2 million Michigan residents will receive.
- Schizophrenia And Related Disorders Alliance of America – An organization dedicated to the support of persons who live with schizophrenia and related disorders.
- Michigan Association of Social Workers – NASW-Michigan aims to support, promote and advocate for professional social work practice, practitioners and the social work profession, and to improve the quality of life for the people of Michigan.
- Michigan Veterans Foundation – (313) 831-5500 The primary mission of the Michigan Veterans Foundation is to fill the gaps that currently exist in providing services to Michigan’s veterans.
- Michigan Works – Job Seekers – Service Centers: (313) 945-8380 The Employment and Training Department at ACCESS is a certified Michigan Works One-Stop Employment Services Center. Its mission is to assist in matching people with jobs, and empowering individuals by providing them with the skills and resources necessary to eliminate any dependency or impediment to self-sufficiency.
- Michigan Mental Health Networker – Covers Souteastern Michigan and more. Links
- Michigan Drug Rehab Centers and Addiction Treatment Options: Michigan has the fourth-highest drug abuse rate in the nation. Comprehensive addiction treatment is available throughout the state, including detoxification and inpatient care.
- Drug Rehabilitation & Addiction resources in Michigan: Find Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Michigan That Works
- Medicare in Michigan – Medicare is the federal health insurance program for those aged 65 and over or who have a qualifying disability. In Michigan, nearly 1.1 million people are enrolled in Original Medicare, which is comprised of Part A, or hospital coverage, and Part B, or medical coverage. Part A is premium-free for most people, but for those who haven’t paid Medicare taxes, monthly premiums may be as high as $471. Part B is generally affordable at an average of $149 per month, but your premium may be higher or lower depending on your income. If you’re looking for an all-inclusive alternative to Original Medicare, there are 83 Medicare Advantage Plans in Michigan.
National Organizations
- National Alliance on Mental Illness – The Nation’s voice on Mental Illness
- Brain and Behavior Research Foundation is the largest donor-supported organization in the world devoted to funding scientific research on brain and behavior disorders.
- Mental Health America – (formerly known as the National Mental Health Association) is the country’s leading nonprofit dedicated to helping ALL people live mentally healthier lives.
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance is the leading patient-directed national organization focusing on the most prevalent mental illnesses.
- American Psychiatric Association (APA) – The American Psychiatric Association is a medical specialty society recognized world-wide. Its over 38,000 U.S. and international member physicians work together to ensure humane care and effective treatment for all persons with mental disorder, including mental retardation and substance-related disorders.
- National Mental Health Association: NMHA
- The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP) represents a variety of programs and schools providing treatment to over 4,600 clients across North America. Our members include therapeutic schools, residential treatment schools, wilderness programs, outdoor therapeutic programs, young adult programs and home-based residential programs working with troubled teens and troubled adolescents. Our programs are dedicated to providing the highest quality services to the people and families they serve. This website serves as a resource to parents and professionals for information on our various programs and the families they serve.
Children & Adolescents
- Association for Children’s Mental Health ACMH Michigan provides information, support, resources, referral and advocacy for children and youth with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and their families.
- Teen Yellow Pages The Teen Yellow Pages is a community service publication of National Council of Jewish Women, Michigan. As teenagers, you are faced with various questions and decisions. The TEEN YELLOW PAGES is a resource written especially for you. This directory focuses on critical topics and offers information and contact numbers of services in our community.
- The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – The AACAP (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) is the leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by these disorders.
- Children and Adults with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders CHADD , is a national non-profit, tax-exempt (Section 501 (c) (3) ) organization providing education, advocacy and support for individuals with ADHD.
- Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health: FFCMH This is a national organization run by families aimed at helping children with mental health needs and their families achieve a better quality of life.
- Top Autism Resource Centers SE Michigan -Find autism centers in Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties for support, autism resources and education.
- The Sanctuary For Youths – Royal Oak, MI – Provides services and shelter for runaway youth ages 10-17 for boys and girls.
Common Ground Sanctuary is a nonprofit crisis intervention agency. Our mission is to provide a lifeline for individuals and families in crisis, victims of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations and runaway and homeless youth. We listen, we care, we help…24-hours a day, 7 days a week. – Crisis Line: 800-231-1127 - Jed Foundation – The Jed Foundation is a nonprofit that exists to protect emotional health and prevent suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults
- Yellowbrick – Yellowbrick recognizes that many adolescents are struggling with psychiatric challenges which strain their well-being and ability to function effectively at school, with peers or at home.
- GoodRx guide to mental health for Teens: Mental health basics -Let’s face it, there’s a lot going on inside our brains. And most of the time, it seems like we don’t have much control over how our thoughts and feelings come and go.
- Teen Body Image & Self Image – A Practical guide for parents.
- A Comprehensive Guide for Parents talking to their Teenager about Cannabis.
Government Agencies
- Social Security Administration (SSA) – The official website of the U.S. Social Security Administration office.
- Medicare – The Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare.
- Michigan Medicare-Medicaid Assistance Program
- The Social Security & Disability Resource Center – The Official resource site.
- SOCIAL SECURITY COUNSELING CENTER: -A full service Social Security Law Firm. Toll free: 844-560-4909
- Does Medicare Cover Substance Abuse Treatment: If you are a Medicare beneficiary, you may be wondering if Medicare covers treatment for substance use disorder. Both original Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans cover various treatment options for this condition, including inpatient care, outpatient care, and prescription drugs.
Information & Research
- University of Michigan Depression Center – The University of Michigan Depression Center is the first ever multi-disciplinary center dedicated to research, education, and treatment of depressive and bipolar illnesses.
- Mental Health Resource Guide – Mental health plays a major role in your overall happiness and well-being. It affects how you feel, think, act, and handle stress. Understanding your own mental health and recognizing any mental health problems you may be experiencing are crucial to maintaining your well-being. Mental health problems can disrupt the lives of people of all ages, not just adults, so it’s important to recognize issues affecting children’s mental health as well.
- The Essential Guide to Teen Mental Health – This guide seeks to offer parents and carers information on spotting early warning signs of mental health concerns in your children, and advice on managing and minimising symptoms. It also explores the importance of parental mental health, both as a risk factor and as an effect of poor mental wellbeing in teens.
- 6 Ways to Improve Mental Health – It is very important to take care of your mental health. Here are some ways to take care of yourself.
- STEPS –Student Training & Education in Public Service – Mental Health & Wellness Guide for Public Service Professionals
- ADDICTION – BOCA Recovery Center – Addiction: Causes, Symptoms & Evidence Based Treatment
Addictions in College: What They Are & How to Avoid Them – College is, without a doubt, a life-changing experience. For many, it’s the first time they’re no longer surrounded by their family, and their parents can no longer control them. There is so much to learn, so many things to do, and countless decisions to make.
- OTSUKA – At Otsuka, we know no one can do it alone. Supporting your mental health is important to us. Here are just some of the many resources and organizations doing important work through community building, research, and advocacy that can help connect you with the mental health community and give you more information on mental health.
- National Institute of Health (NIH) – NIH is the steward of medical and behavioral research for the Nation. Its mission is science in pursuit of fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce the burdens of illness and disability.
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) – The mission of NIMH is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery and cure.
- Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation – The Center is a research, training, and service organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons who have psychiatric disabilities by improving the effectiveness of people, programs, and service systems.
- Half of Us – Through Half of Us, mtvU and The Jed Foundation want to initiate a public dialogue to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health issues on campus and connect students to the appropriate resources to get help.
- Emotions Annonymous – Emotions Anonymous (EA) exists to support individuals with emotional difficulties in their efforts to live a more manageable life by using the Emotions Anonymous Program of recovery.
- Mental Health Net -MentalHelp ─ Comprehensive Mental Health and Mental Illness information on topics like Depression, Bipolar, Suicide, Anxiety, Addiction, Schizophrenia, and more.
- The Schizophrenia Home Page – Started in 1995, is an internet community dedicated to providing high quality information, support and education to the family members, caregivers and individuals whose lives have been impacted by schizophrenia.
- The Top 5 Mental Health Problems Facing College Students – Learn the signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and others — and find resources that lead to a happier and healthier college career.
- Mental Health for Hispanic and Latino Students -How can Hispanic and Latino/a students find the right mental health care for their needs?
- Maryville University – Find information regarding Postpartum Depression
- Alcohol and Addiction – Resource Guide
- Michigan Detox for Alcohol and Drug Addiction – Resource Information
- Stress in college students for 2019: (how to cope) – A college guide to managing stress. Western Governors University
- College Substance Abuse Statistics, Facts, Recovery – Complete Guide. Avenue Recovery: College is supposed to be a time of learning, but also adventures and new experiences. For many young people, it’s the first time they’re on their own, and without the structure of their childhood home and family life, they may experiment. Unfortunately, that experimentation can lead to not-so-healthy habits including the use of substances, and unhealthy drinking patterns.
- A Forever Recovery – Drug Rehab and Addiction Treatment – At A Forever Recovery, our unique, individualized treatment program gets results. Our goal is to empower each client to live the best life possible. In that spirit, we offer a multi-faceted program that works for everyone.
- PTSD Information Guide –
managing the Physical Health Risks That Come With Severe Mental Disorders: Research has found that people with severe mental disorders (SMD) have an average life expectancy that is 10 to 20 years lower than the general population. External link This may seem unsurprising when considering the heightened risk of suicide among people with conditions such as major depressive disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. However, research has found that physical health risks are a major factor in the shortened life span of people with SMD. More importantly, many of these risks, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, are preventable, prompting the medical community to take action and push for more interdisciplinary care.
Addiction Recovery During Higher Education: College students are using drugs and alcohol at a higher rate than young adults of the same age who don’t attend school. A recent study from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicated that more than half of full-time college students ages 18-22 drank alcohol in the past month. Another survey performed by Monitoring the Future revealed that nearly 45% of college students have used an illicit drug.
A Mental Health Crisis Guide for Schools– valuable information for families and schools regarding mental health. Mental health is a combination of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how we think, feel, and act. Our mental health also plays a factor in how we handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions. People who manage their mental health well are able to cope with the stressors of life, be productive both in and outside of work, and make meaningful contributions to their communities.
- Teen Mental Health Guide for Parents: Your child’s teenage years are an exciting time, but they can be tricky too. With hormones going wild and bigger pressures at school, challenging mood swings are par for the course. With mental ill-health on the rise though, you’ll want to keep watch on whether their moods are normal, or if they need a bit of help.
- Depression and Addiction Diagnosis, Signs and types: Depression and addiction are conditions that require immediate diagnosis and treatment by a health professional.
- 79 Resources for Managing Seasonal Effectiveness Disorder
- Menstrual Cycles and Mental Health: Why understanding mental health and menstrual cycles is important
- 2020 Mental Health Resources List:
- Mental Health Guide for High School Students: As a high school student, it’s important to take charge of your mental health. This guide offers easy, effective tips for self-care, plus resources for getting help when you need it.
- Mental Health Resource Guide for College Students: Our all-encompassing guide to college student mental health, including need-to-know info, tips, and resources
- Ultimate Guide to College Students Mental Health – College is a fun and exciting chapter in life, but it is also a time to learn to handle adult responsibilities, added stress and expectations, and dealing with people whose belief system differs from your own for the first time. Counseling centers on college campuses report an 88 percent increase in those seeking help for mental health issues. In all, anxiety is reported as the most common mental health concern, but other conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders and sleep problems are all highly reported on college campuses.
- Recognizing Suicidal Behavior: Suicide is often a taboo subject in society. It is a topic that isn’t spoken about openly or acknowledged to the extent that it should be. There is often shame attached to the families of individuals that commit suicide, and this makes the grieving process even more difficult than it already is. Understanding suicide is an important step in preventing it.
- Signs & Symptoms Anxiety: 10 Anxiety Symptoms You Might Not Know About
- Resume Builder – Employment resources for people with substance use and mental health conditions.
- Barriers to Mental Health: Examining the barriers people encounter when seeking mental health treatment and the issues that keep them from getting help
- Suicide Prevention Resources: resource information on suicide prevention
- 101 Resources for Students Mental Health Students going to college, especially for the first time, often experience loneliness, confusion and even stress. This is especially true since the pandemic. The good news is that there are many placed and organizations available to offer help and assistance. The college years are meant to be fun and exciting, and with the right resources available, student can make the best of these years despite outside forces around them.
- Understanding and Managing Anxiety: Understanding mental health at university, Managing your mental health and anxiety, Getting help for anxiety, , Helping other students with anxiety, Useful links
Treatment Information
- Treatment Advocacy Center The Treatment Advocacy Center was founded in 1998 to promote improvements in the treatment of people with severe mental illnesses. Since that time, the organization has grown as a respected independent voice for reforming treatment laws. Since the Treatment Advocacy Center was formed, 19 states have made important changes to their treatment laws and more progress is on the horizon.
- Live another Day. BIPOC – At Live Another Day, we curate non-biased lists of highly rated treatment providers and trusted resources.
- Dual Diagnosis Website – This site is designed to provide information and resources for service providers, consumers, and family members who are seeking assistance and/or education in this field.
- Dual Diagnosis Treatment & Information: New Method Wellness – Dual diagnosis treatment is an integrated, coordinated approach to substance abuse and mental health interventions for individuals with co-occurring disorders. This means that multidisciplinary teams of clinicians are working together under one roof to provide client-centered, seamless services ranging from holistic therapy to social skills training with a consistent approach.
- National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse (The Clearinghouse) – The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse, the nation’s first national consumer technical assistance center, has played a major role in the development of the mental health consumer movement.
- American Addiction Centers Treating Depression with a Co-occurring Substance Abuse Disorder.
- Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment Guide – Presented by the American Addiction Centers
- Addiction Resource – Raises awareness on the dangers of addiction and helps local communities stay drug-free.
- American Society of Addiction Medicine – Promotes drug abuse prevention and treatment.
- Detox finder: Detox Local not only provides an extensive directory of all available drug and alcohol detox centers that are located near you, Detox Local provides you with comprehensive information on a variety of substances, the detox process involved with each substance as well as the importance of detox from these dangerous substances. Drug and alcohol detox is an essential early step in the recovery process and the information provided by the experienced and empathetic staff at Detox Local can help you or a loved one start on the path to a sober lifestyle.
- PURPLE – Sleep Guide for Anxiety – This guide covers how anxiety and sleep are interrelated, change with age, and what you can do to improve both.
Addiction Rehab Centers – A Different Way to Treat People – Indianapolis Drug Rehab Centers and Alcohol Treatment Programs
- Drug Rehab & Addiction Treatment in Michigan -The Mitten State is also home to hundreds of men, women and children who misuse drugs and alcohol. Over the years, this fact, combined with the opioid epidemic, has created the need for drug and alcohol rehab centers in Michigan and elsewhere in the country. The state has the 18th highest drug overdose mortality rate in the U.S., and the number of drug overdose deaths tripled from 1999 to 2013. To combat this problem, Michigan drug rehab and alcohol rehab centers are becoming more widespread than in years past. If you’re seeking inpatient or outpatient drug rehab, Michigan and surrounding states offer programs to meet your needs. Toll-free drug and alcohol hotlines are also available, whether you are ready to enroll in a treatment facility or just need a listening ear.
- Be Free from Alcohol Addiction: Find freedom from Alcohol Addiction -If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, you can rely on us to guide you to the best rehabilitation and treatment resources.
- Addiction – 8 Best addiction centers in Michigan. Michigan is home to a number of inpatient and residential drug rehab centers for addiction and mental health recovery. Treatment services may include detoxification, medication-assisted treatment, and behavioral therapy.
Legal Issue
Zachary J. Bialick,Estate and Business Planning AttorneyWith: Shea Aiello PLLC a Professional LLC26100 American Drive, second Floor, Southfield, MI (248) 354-0224
- Detroit Legal Assistance: No Wayne County resident should ever be convicted of a crime because they are poor. This is where NDS Detroit comes in. As part of a nationally-recognized indigent defense organization, it melds local Wayne County legal talent with a proven client support system to produce the very best outcomes. NDS Detroit brings its model for providing unparalleled representation to clients facing felony charges. The team takes the time to understand clients as people and meets their legal and social needs. Staff investigators uncover all available evidence, because no client should plead guilty before the facts are known. Staff social workers provide counseling, psycho-social support, and psychiatric and psychological referrals. Advocates assist with drug treatment placements and potential alternatives to incarceration. Attorneys zealously represent our clients at every turn in the legal process.
- SOCIAL SECURITY COUNSELING CENTER: A full service Social Security Law Firm – Call Toll Free 844-560-4909 for a free consultation.
- Guardianship Education Classes –
- Conservatorship Education Classes –
- State Bar Association Pro Bono Referrals (517) 346-6412
- State Bar – General Information (800) 968-1442
- State Bar Lawyer Referral (800) 968-0738
- Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law – The David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law has been the nation’s leading legal advocate for people with mental disabilities.
- The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime.