Support Groups


The NAMI Metro Support group is facilitated by a layperson volunteer. This group is for families and is an informal resource that attempts to provide healing components to a variety of mental illness problem and challenges that family members face. An informal support outside of family, friends, or professionals often provides greater understanding, more similarity (from individuals experiencing similar life events), an opportunity for empathy and altruism, and a sense of identity for participants. Learning new ways to handle challenges, cope with changes, and maintain new behaviors are all important aspects of the support group experience.

A characteristic unique to support groups is the mutual support members are able to provide one another. This support and validation from other group members help facilitate personal growth and change in a way that individual therapy cannot. Although experts and professionals can provide support and positive direction, the mutual exchange of information between group members is a powerful experience that often induces lasting change. Meeting others who truly understand one’s experience has a very powerful effect. For many parents, siblings, family and other caregivers, participation in a support group is the first opportunity to learn that there are other parents who are experiencing the same challenges and frustrations.

NAMI Metro support uses an open format, which means that the groups are ongoing, and individuals have the option of attending when it is convenient for them. The open format allows individuals to feel some degree of anonymity, and to participate, as they are comfortable. For some people, simply attending meetings and listening to the experiences of others can be helpful. All meetings are free of charge. If you have questions, please call.  Keep checking our website to get the detailed information on additional support groups.

NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for family members, caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. This group meets on a monthly basis. The hallmark of a NAMI support group is leveraging the collective knowledge and experience of the other participants.

Connection Peer-Led Recovery Support Groups

NAMI Metro conducts a free peer led recovery support group for people living with mental illness in which people learn from each others’ experiences, share coping strategies, and offer each other encouragement and understanding.  This is a recovery support group program for adults living with mental illness. Your group will provide respect, understanding, encouragement and hope. This relaxed approach can support you as you share the challenges and success of coping with mental illness.

What Should You Expect?

  • Meets twice each month for 90 minutes free of charge.
  • Designed for adults (18 and over) living with mental illness.
  • Facilitated by trained individuals who live in recovery from mental illness.
  • Confidential – share as much or as little personal information as you want.
  • Does not recommend or endorse any medications or other medical therapies.
  • Guided by Principles of Support.

 Why Attend a NAMI Metro Support Group? – An environment of sincere, uncritical acceptance

Meetings begin with a review of group guidelines and Principles of Support. Following this introduction, anyone that wishes to may share an update on current life success and/or challenges. The group works together to address the most pressing issues using a process called “group wisdom.” Themes that naturally arise during the group can become a focus of group work. As a participant your voice is heard. You may contribute to the discussion em pathetically, building a sense of community that is based on sincere, uncritical acceptance.

Tools for caring for your life – Practical, constructive solutions shared by the group, also called “group wisdom,” may help you find solutions to current life challenges. You may also learn about community resources from other participants. By sharing your experiences, you have the opportunity to gain hope and new friends in a safe and confidential setting.

NOVI Family Support GroupThis is a Virtual Online Meeting that meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month 7 p.m.   You must register so please register by sending an email with your name and phone number to and he will email you the required invitation for you to connect to this ZOOM meeting. Contact: (248) 348-7197

Royal Oak Family Support Group – This family support group is for family and friends of a loved one with a mental health condition. It is NOT a group for those with a mental health condition – check out our two Peer Connection Support Groups listed below. This is a Virtual Online Meeting that meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. You must register, please do so by sending an email with your name and phone number to and she will email you the required invitation for you to connect to this ZOOM family support group meeting. Contact: (248) 266-1463

NORTH OAKLAND Family Support Group – This is a Virtual  Online Meeting that meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  You must register so please register by sending an email with your name and phone number to   and he will email you the required invitation for you to connect to this  meeting. Contact:  (248) 240-7069

Downtown Detroit Family Support Group – Does not meet in December & January
Meet the 2nd Saturday of every month 12:30 p.m.
Sacred Heart Activities Building, 3451 Rivard St. Detroit, 48207
Contact: Claire (313) 980-0675

Dearborn Family Support GroupDoes not meet in December
Meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month 6:30 p.m. 
First Presbyterian Church
600 N. Brady St., Dearborn
Contact: Shirley (313) 292-3324

MACOMB Family Support GroupThis is a Virtual Online Meeting that meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month 7 p.m. .  You must register, by sending an email with your name and phone number to and she will email you the required invitation for you to connect to this ZOOM meeting.

ROCHESTER Family Support Group This support group meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Meeting is at Ascension Providence Hospital (Formerly  Crittenton Hospital) 1101 W. University Drive, Rochester, MI 48309.  Room 2E Second Floor.  Contact:  Fred at

Wyandotte Family Support GroupDoes not meet in December – Support Group meets the 3rd Wednesday every month 10:00 a.m. Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital Re-hap bldg, 2nd Floor Conference Rm 232 2333 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte, MI 48192 Contact:  Shirley (313) 292-3324



Troy (Sterling Heights) Connection Support GroupSupport group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. Beaumont Sterling-Heights Family Medical Center, 44250 Dequindre Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48314 (Outpatient Classroom A 1st floor) Contacts:  Deb at or Sarah at Matt at

Farmington Hills Connection Peer-Led Recovery Support Group – This is a virtual online support group meeting that meets the 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month 7 p.m.   You must register in advance so email Anna with your name, email and phone number and she will email you the required invitation for you to connect to this online meeting. Co-facilitators:  Jeremy Mileo email 

Holly Township Connection Support Group Support group meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. – Holly Township Library 1116 North Saginaw St., Holly MI 48442.  Contact Lisa at or call 805-450-1994

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