What is an Independent PCP Facilitator?

Posted in: FAQs

An independent facilitator is a person outside the CMH system who only has one job at the PCP meeting – to help you plan your life – your way. Until now, Case Managers/Support Coordinators had to run the PCP. This means they had two jobs at the meeting: to help you express what you want, and to represent CMH by suggesting services. The Independent Facilitator’s job is to lead a discussion of your hopes and dreams in a way that you have designed with their help and what CMH and the community can do to help you reach your goals. The process used to design your individual plan of mental health supports, service, or treatment is called “Person-Centered Planning (PCP)”. This is where you develop goals based on your hopes and dreams. The people attending this meeting help you decide on supports and services to meet your goals. You have the right to an ‘Independent PCP Facilitator’ to assist with your PCP. This means you may request someone other than your case manager or other staff to conduct your planning meetings at no cost to you. For more information go to www.peerchoices.org

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